Once you have completed the preliminary step of creating a new payment platform, loading the required defaults and connecting to your Stripe or Usio account, you can configure this record with the necessary account credentials and settings
The CPM Payment Platform is where you will configure your settings for the integration to the payment platform.
- From the CPM Payment Platform, select the payment platform you want to configure or manage
- You will want to complete setup on the Accounting, Payment Requests, Refund Requests and Subscription Invoicing FastTabs
Field Name | Description | Example Value |
Clearing G/L Account | Select the G/L account to which you want to record unpaid Stripe activity. As activity is performed in Stripe, an outstanding balance of unpaid payments is accumulated. At some point, Stripe is instructed to perform a payout, at which point these unpaid amounts are moved from the Stripe balance to a specified balancing account. The frequency with which Stripe performs payouts (as soon as funds are available, weekly, monthly, or on demand) is configured within Stripe. | A balance sheet asset account representing your Stripe balance |
Fee G/L Account No. | Select the G/L account number to which you want to record Stripe transaction fees | An Expense G/L account |
Dimension Set Fee Behavior | Select the method that CPM will assign Dimensions to entries it posts to the specified fee G/L account as well as related balancing entries. • Default: Dimensions will be assigned according to any default Dimensions that have been defined for the fee G/L account. • Inherit: Dimensions will be inherited from the related transaction in Business Central. For example, a payment posted from a sales order would have all of that sales order’s Dimensions assigned to the fee G/L account entry. |
Default; Inherit |
Account Type |
Indicate whether the balancing account to which Stripe payouts are processed will be a Business Central G/L account or bank account record. Typically, a bank account record is used, but you should select whichever option reflects your desired processes | Bank Account |
Account No. | Select the Business Central G/L account or bank account (depending on the selected payout balancing account type) to which processed payouts will be recorded. CPM automatically detects payout transactions in Stripe and will post the corresponding activity to your specific balancing account |
A valid bank or G/L account
Default Posting Account Type | Indicate the record type of the Business Central account to which CPM can record payment platform activity that was created by other systems on Stripe. When you are working in the Transaction Worksheet, the default posting account can be assigned to outstanding transactions so that all activity can be quickly posted. The default posting account can be a G/L account, customer, vendor, bank account, fixed asset, IC partner, or employee record. Typically, a G/L account or customer record is used, but you should select whichever option reflects your desired processes. |
G/L Account ; Customer |
Default Posting Account No. | Select the account (depending on the selected default posting account type) that can be assigned by default to outstanding transactions in the Transaction Worksheet. |
A revenue G/L account |
The Payment Requests FastTab
Field Name | Description | Example Value |
Payment Request No. Series | Select the number series that you want to use to assign numbers to CPM payment request records. It is recommended that you create a new number series for CPM payment requests. | SENP_PMT_REQUEST |
Default Payment Method | Select the payment method code that will be assigned to payment customer ledger entries that are created from payment platform activity. When payments are retrieved from Stripe, CPM will attempt to create new payment entries in the related customers’ ledgers. The payment platform’s default payment method will be assigned as the payment method for these customer ledger entries. You can create a new payment method for the payment platform or use an existing one, but regardless of this decision it is recommended that you assign a payment method with a blank balancing account number. | STRIPE |
Payment Request Send Invoice | Select this option to indicate whether Stripe will automatically send an invoice to customers when a quick payment request is generated from within Business Central and communicated to Stripe. If this option is selected and a quick payment request is sent to Stripe, CPM will instruct Stripe to automatically send an invoice with the relevant payment request details to the related customer according to its configured collections functionality. If this option is disabled, quick payment requests will not include the instruction to send invoices to customers. This is useful if you want to send payment request invoices to your customers through a method other than Stripe. Note that this option only applies to quick payment requests that are sent for the payment platform. When working with custom payment requests, you make the determination as to whether or not invoices are sent from Stripe on a request-by-request basis. |
Off |
Re-Collect CVC on Saved Payment Method | Select this option to require the re-entry of a saved credit card’s CVC number. It is possible to assign a credit card as a customer payment method in Stripe. If this option is selected, Business Central will instruct user to re-enter a saved credit card’s CVC when attempting to process activity. While enabling this option adds an extra layer of security and can help to reduce fraudulent charges, it also creates an added step in the CPM process. For this reason, it is recommended that you leave this option disabled and then configure Stripe to require this step. | Off |
Authorization Validity | Enter the number of days for which a payment request for a credit card authorization will remain valid. When a payment request is created, CPM will apply this period to the record’s creation date to calculate an expiration date. If the authorized amount is not captured prior to this expiration date, the payment request expires and new one must be created. By default, Stripe maintains a seven-day authorization window; it is recommended that you assign this same value to the corresponding payment platform record in Business Central. | 7days |
Capture Method |
Select the method by which credit card payments for sales orders are processed. Because sales orders are open documents, CPM provides additional flexibility as to how credit card activity is handled. Blank: CPM will handle sales order payments according to the external payment platform’s default settings
Delay |
Authorization Behavior |
If the payment platform is configured to delay the capture of sales order payments, you must select the method by which authorized payments are captured. Manual: authorized payments must be manually captured by a user.
Capture on Invoice |
Reauthorization on Partial Capture |
If the payment platform is configured to delay the capture of sales order payments, you must select the method by which an authorized payment is handled when a partial capture of the authorization amount is executed.
Auto |
The Refund Requests FastTab
Field Name | Description | Example Value |
Refund Request No. Series | Select the number series that you want to use to assign numbers to refund requests. It is recommended that you create a new number series for CPM refund requests. | SEND_RFD_REQUEST |
Invoicing FastTab
It is possible to create and pay invoices within Stripe. These could be one-time invoices for a product or service, or invoices that are generated via Stripe’s subscriptions functionality, under which a new invoice is created and paid for on a recurring basis according to the subscription frequency (such as monthly or yearly).
If you want to retrieve invoices from Stripe, you can configure how CPM processes and manages them on the Invoicing FastTab. You also must set up records for the CPM payment platform’s invoice status matrix
Field Name | Description | Example Value |
Build Invoice Codeunit | Enter the codeunit that will be used to create invoices in Business Central. CPM comes with out-of-the-box codeunit 70338652 that performs this activity, and typically this should be assigned. Users do, however, have the ability to create a custom codeunit and assign it here if the supplied codeunit does not properly reflect business processes. Again, more often than not the default codeunit will be sufficient. |
70338652 |
Invoice No. Series | Select the number series that you want to use to assign numbers to invoices. It is recommended that you create a new number series for invoices to easily differentiate them from other sales invoices, but you can assign the same number series that is used for your standard Business Central sales invoices, if you wish |
External Doc Prefix | Enter a value that will be added as a prefix to the external document number that is assigned to invoices. By default, the payment platform’s invoice ID number will be assigned as the corresponding invoice’s external document number. If an external document number prefix is defined, it will be entered as a prefix to this value. This prefix can be a maximum of four characters, but it is recommended that you use a three character value and then assign a hyphen or underscore as the fourth and final value to more clearly separate the prefix from the rest of the external document number. For example, an external document number prefix of SEP- would result in the creation of external document numbers SEP-11111111, SEP-22222222, etc. | SEP- |
Payment Method | Select the payment method that will be assigned to invoices. You can create a new payment method for invoices or use an existing one, but regardless of this decision it is recommended that you assign a payment method with a blank balancing account number. | STRIPE |
Invoice Location | Select the location that will be assigned to invoices. This location will also be assigned to invoice lines and used as the fulfillment location for any lines that are created for inventory items. You can create a new location code for invoices or use an existing one. | MAIN |
Invoice Dimension 1 | Select the dimension value that will be assigned to invoices. This field presents the dimension values that are defined for the dimension that is assigned as global/shortcut dimension 1 in Business Central. | This is dependent on your assigned shortcut dimension 1 |
Invoice Dimension 2 | Select the dimension value that will be assigned to invoices. This field presents the dimension values that are defined for the dimension that is assigned as global/shortcut dimension 2 in Business Central | This is dependent on your assigned shortcut dimension 2 |
New Customer: Creation |
Select the method by which new customers are created and/or assigned to invoices. When CPM retrieves an invoice from Stripe, it will attempt to match that invoice’s customer ID to an existing CPM customer link. If it is able to do so, it will create the invoice for the relevant customer. When it cannot find a match, it will adhere to the behavior specified in this field. Depending on the option you select in this field, the setup fields that follow will dynamically change. The descriptions of each option below will also include information about these related fields. Auto Create: CPM will automatically create a new Business Central customer based on the Business Central customer template that you specify in the Template field. You must also enter a number series in the No. Series field to assign a unique number to each customer. After the customer is created, the retrieved invoice will be assigned to it. CPM will also establish a CPM customer link for the new customer. |
Auto Create |
No. Series | The number series to use when creating a new customer from the platform | |
Template | The template to use when creating a new customer from the platform | |
Sales Tax Behavior | Select the method by which calculated sales tax should be handled on invoices. None: Business Central will ignore any sales tax calculations from Stripe. The Tax Liable field on the invoice will be enabled or disabled according to standard Business Central logic and sales tax will be calculated in the same manner as any other sales invoice. Line: sales tax calculations from Stripe will be applied to invoices in Business Central. The Tax Liable field will be disabled (preventing Business Central from calculating sales tax) and a separate invoice line will be created for each tax amount for order-level charges (such as shipping and gift wrapping) that was calculated and collected in Stripe. It is recommended that you select this option so that recorded sales tax amounts are synchronized between your Business Central and Stripe platforms |
Line |
Sales Tax Line Type | If you select the Line option in the Sales Tax Behavior field, indicate the type of account that will be assigned to invoice lines for sales tax. The sales tax line type can be a G/L account, item, resource, fixed asset, or item charge. Typically, a G/L account is used, but you should select whichever option reflects your desired processes | G/L account |
Sales Tax Line No. | Select the account (depending on the selected sales tax line type) that will be assigned to invoice lines for sales tax | A tax G/L account |
Next: CPM Customer Mapping