When an invoice is retrieved into Business Central, CPM assigns a status to it.
There are a number of different factors that can influence an invoice’s status, with different combinations of these factors resulting in potentially different status settings. To support these combinations, each CPM payment platform contains an “invoice status matrix.” This matrix allows you to define a status for each unique combination of values.
You can view a payment platform’s invoice status matrix from the CPM Payment Platform card by choosing the Actions ribbon, then selecting the Setup menu and choosing Invoice Status Matrix. The invoice status matrix screen contains lines for unique combinations of the following values:
- Invoice Type: indicates whether the status applies to subscription invoices that are created and charged on a recurring basis or non-subscription invoices that are created one time and will see no further activity.
- Platform Status: this is the status that has been assigned to the invoice on the external platform. Because every platform has its unique status definitions, these values will change from platform to platform.
- Platform Metadata: if the external platform has any metadata that you want to use for the purposes of assigning status values to retrieved invoices, it can be entered in this field.
- BC Invoice Status: this is the status that has been assigned to a CPM invoice’s corresponding Business Central sales invoice. Standard Business Central sales invoice status values such as Open and Posted are available for selection, as well as a No Invoice value to indicate a retrieved invoice that does not have a corresponding sales
On each line, the value in the CPM Status field indicates the status that will be assigned to CPM invoices that share that line’s particular combination of values.
For example, let’s say that we are working with a payment platform that assigns both “open” and “paid” status values to its invoices, depending on whether a payment has been captured. From the perspective of that external platform, these status values have significant meaning, but from the perspective of Business Central and CPM, maybe we want to treat both types in the same manner in that we want to create a corresponding sales invoice in Business Central, regardless of whether the invoice is still open or has been paid. In this scenario, we could create separate invoice status matrix lines for both open and paid platform status values, then assign the same CPM status to them. When an open or paid invoice is retrieved from the external platform, CPM will process them in the same way.
A payment platform’s invoice status matrix is automatically loaded as part of the platform creation process. You can also manually load CPM’s default invoice status matrix values from the CPM Payment Platform card by choosing the Actions ribbon, then selecting the Setup menu and choosing the Load Invoice Status Matrix action. Oftentimes this default data load meets a company’s needs out-of-the-box. We recommend you do not attempt to add or modify any invoice status matrix lines for your payment platform until you begin the process of invoice retrieval. If certain invoices are not being processed in the way you wish, you can then review the settings in the invoice status matrix and make the necessary
adjustments or additions.