How do I set up Billing Codes?

Billing Codes

Billing Codes in RPM are used to define the billing structure for Rental Contract Documents. You can use different billing codes on different lines on a rental contract and have them invoice at the same time. For example, you can rent one unit for a month and one unit for a week and have the system calculate and invoice for each properly. This document will describe the fields that are available and what each field does.

Some examples of Billing Codes are 28 Daily ADV (28 Days in Advance), 28 Daily ARR (28 Days in Arrears), Daily ADV and Daily ARR.

  1. From the search window, type Billing Codes and choose the Billing Codes option under Pages and Tasks.
  2. The Billing Codes page will open.
  3. To create a new Billing Code, click New at the top.

Let’s review what each field does:

Code: This field contains the unique code for the Billing Code and has a maximum length of 20 characters. We suggest you use a meaningful code to partially describe the type of billing. For example, “MONTHLY ARR” indicates you would be billing the customer every month in arrears.  This is the code that will show on RPM document headers and lines and is also available in the drop down when selecting a billing code.

Description:  This field allows you to enter 50 characters. It coincides with the Code field and describes in greater detail the type of billing. For example, “Monthly in Arrears”.  This description will show when you drop down the list of billing codes on RPM document headers and lines.

Billing Recurrence Type: This field in conjunction with the Recurrence No. of Periods and the Recurrence Period Type tells the system how segments for a document will bill. Segments are created for all rental type lines and will have a start date and stop date but also a next billing date.  These recurrence fields tell the system how to setup the next billing date on segments.  These fields also default values for the period fields that follow. There are three choices for this field:

  • One Time: This value tells the system that this billing code may not be used for rental type lines.  Use this value for sale type lines where you want a billing code to display.  This will also set the Period Detail Type field to One Time and will clear the Recurrence No. of Periods, Recurrence Period Type, Detail No. of Periods and the Detail Period Type.
  • Every: This value tells the system that this billing code will be used for rental type lines.  This field works in conjunction with the Recurrence No. of Periods and Recurrence Period Type to tell the system how the Next Billing Date should update based on the specific segment.  This field also updates the Period Detail Type to Every.
  • Specific Day of the Month: This value is also used for rental type lines except this option will set the Next Billing Date to the day you specify in Recurrence No. of Periods.  This requires the Bill At field to be set to End of Period (In Arrears).  This field updates the Period Detail Type to Every.

Recurrence No. of Periods: This is an integer field that contains the number of periods for the Billing Recurrence Type specified.  If the Billing Recurrence Type is One Time, this value should be zero (0) and cannot be changed.  If the Billing Recurrence Type is Every, enter this value in conjunction with the Recurrence Period Type to set the Next Billing Date; this will also update the Detail No. of Periods.  If the Billing Recurrence Type is Specific Day, enter the day for each month you want the Next Billing Date to be set to.

Recurrence Period Type: This field has three options: Day(s), Week(s) and Month(s) and relates to the Billing Recurrence Type and Recurrence No. of Periods.  This field tells the system at which frequency the Next Billing Date should get set based on the Recurrence No. of Periods.

Period Detail Type: This field in conjunction with the Detail No. of Periods and the Detail Period Type tells the system how segments for a document will be created. Segments are created for all rental type lines and these period fields determine how the Start Date and Stop Date will be set on each segment.  These period fields must be equal to or less than the values in the recurrence fields.  There are two choices for this field:

  • One Time: This value tells the system that this billing code may not be used for rental type lines.  When the Billing Recurrence Type is set to One Time, this field also gets set to One Time and is not editable.  If the Billing Recurrence Type is Every or Specific Day and you set this field to One Time, the system ignores this value and uses the Billing Recurrence Type as the Period Detail Type.  This field should only be used for sale type lines.
  • Every: This value tells the system that this billing code will be used for rental type lines.  This field works in conjunction with the Detail No. of Periods and Detail Period Type to tell the system how the Start Date and Stop Date should update on each segment.

Detail No. of Periods: This is an integer field that contains the number of periods for the Period Detail Type specified.  If the Period Detail Type is One Time, this value should be zero (0) and cannot be changed.  If the Period Detail Type is Every, enter this value in conjunction with the Detail Period Type to set the Start Date and Stop Date on each segment.

Detail Period Type: This field has three options: Day(s), Week(s) and Month(s) and relates to the Period Detail Type and Detail No. of Periods.  This field tells the system at which frequency the Start Date and Stop Date should get set on each segment.

Billing Type: This field determines how an RPM document line should behave.  This field has two options:

  • Sale: This option tells the system that the RPM document line will be a sale type line which will not require any type of stop date or return of the equipment.  A “blank” billing code works the same as a billing code that has a Billing Type of Sale.  A line with a billing code with a Billing Type of Sale will only require a Start Date and will be complete once the full quantity of the line has shipped and invoiced.  In most cases, this billing type will result in a single segment.
  • Rental: This option tells the system that the RPM document line will be a rental type line.  A rental type line must have a start date like a sale line except that the line will continue to bill until the line has an Actual Stop Date to stop the billing.  A rental type line ships once as of the start date but a type of rental also means that the equipment will need to be returned at some point with a receipt.  A rental type line will be complete once the full quantity of the line has shipped, invoiced and has been received.  A billing code with a Billing Type of Rental can only be used for an RPM document line that has a Type of Subcategory or Charge.

Bill At: This field is only available if the Billing Type is set to Rental.  This field is used to determine if the Next Billing Date should be set to the start date or stop date of each segment.  There are two choices for this field:

  • Beginning of Period (In Advance): This option tells the system to set the Next Billing Date to the start date of each segment.
  • End of Period (In Arrears): If the Recurrence Billing Type is Every, this option tells the system to set the Next Billing Date to the stop date of each segment; if the Recurrence Billing Type is set to Specific Day of the Month, this option tells the system to set the Next Billing Date to the day specified in the Recurrence No. of Periods for the segment.

End of Rental: This field is only available if the Billing Type is set to Rental.  This field is used to determine how an RPM document line should be setup when this billing code is first entered on the line.  There are three choices for this field:

  • Indefinite: This option tells the system that there should be no end of rental specified on the RPM document line which means the Estimated Stop Date and Actual Stop Date will be left blank with a Duration of zero(0).  The system will continue to bill this line forever until an Actual Stop Date is specified.
  • Estimated: This option tells the system to set the Estimated Stop Date to a value.  If a Duration is specified on the RPM document header or if the Default Duration is specified on this billing code, the system will set the RPM document line Duration to that value and will then set the Estimated Stop Date accordingly.  If no Duration is specified and no Default Duration is specified, a Duration of one is used which will set the Estimated Stop Date to one period out from the start date.
  • Actual: This option works the same as the Estimated option but sets the Actual Stop Date to a value.  If a Duration is specified on the RPM document header or if the Default Duration is specified on this billing code, the system will set the RPM document line Duration to that value and will then set the Actual Stop Date accordingly.  If no Duration is specified and no Default Duration is specified, a Duration of one is used which will set the Actual Stop Date to one period out from the start date.

Duration Type: The choices in this field dynamically change based on the Period Detail Type, Detail No. of Periods and the Detail Period Type.  This field tells the system how the Duration field on an RPM document line should update the Estimated/Actual Stop Date.  There could be several different choices:

  • Day(s): This option is always available.  This tells the system that Duration represents a number of days.  By entering a 5 in the Duration, the system knows it represents 5 days.  This option can be used on all types of billing codes where you want the Duration to represent a number of days.
  • X Day Period(s): If the Detail Period Type is Day(s) and the Detail No. of Periods is greater than 1, this option will appear.  This works similar to the Day(s) option except that this tells the system that the Duration represents a set of days.  By entering a 5 in the Duration with the Detail No. of Periods set to 3 for example, the system knows it represents 15 days (Duration of 5 times the Detail No. of Periods of 3).
  • Week(s): If the Detail Period Type is Week(s), this option is available.  This tells the system that Duration represents a number of weeks.  By entering a 5 in the Duration, the system knows it represents 5 weeks.
  • X Week Period(s): If the Detail Period Type is Week(s) and the Detail No. of Periods is greater than 1, this option will appear.  This works similar to the Week(s) option except that this tells the system that the Duration represents a set of weeks.  By entering a 5 in the Duration with the Detail No. of Periods set to 3 for example, the system knows it represents 15 weeks (Duration of 5 times the Detail No. of Periods of 3).
  • Month(s): If the Detail Period Type is Month(s), this option is available.  This tells the system that Duration represents a number of months.  By entering a 5 in the Duration, the system knows it represents 5 months.
  • X Month Period(s): If the Detail Period Type is Month(s) and the Detail No. of Periods is greater than 1, this option will appear.  This works similar to the Month(s) option except that this tells the system that the Duration represents a set of months.  By entering a 5 in the Duration with the Detail No. of Periods set to 3 for example, the system knows it represents 15 months (Duration of 5 times the Detail No. of Periods of 3).

Price Type: The choices in this field dynamically change based on the Period Detail Type, Detail No. of Periods and the Detail Period Type.  This field tells the system how to calculate the line amount and segment amount in conjunction with the Unit Price or the Daily/Weekly/28 Day Monthly Prices.  There could be several different choices:

  • Per Day: This option is always available.  This tells the system that Unit Price should be multiplied by the number of days on the line or segment.
  • Per X Days: If the Detail Period Type is Day(s) and the Detail No. of Periods is greater than 1, this option will appear.  This works similar to the Per Day option except that this tells the system that the Unit Price should be multiplied by a set of days in the rental.  If the number of days on a line is 30 and the Unit Price is 10 and the Detail No. of Periods is 5, the system knows the line amount should be 60 (number of days 30 divided by Detail No. of Periods 5 and then multiplied by the Unit Price 10).
  • Per Week: If the Detail Period Type is Week(s), this option is available.  This tells the system that Unit Price should be multiplied by the number of weeks on the line or segment.
  • Per X Weeks: If the Detail Period Type is Week(s) and the Detail No. of Periods is greater than 1, this option will appear.  This works similar to the Per Week option except that this tells the system that the Unit Price should be multiplied by a set of weeks in the rental.  If the number of weeks on a line is 4 and the Unit Price is 10 and the Detail No. of Periods is 2, the system knows the line amount should be 20 (number of weeks 4 divided by Detail No. of Periods 2 and then multiplied by the Unit Price 10).
  • Per Month: If the Detail Period Type is Month(s), this option is available.  This tells the system that Unit Price should be multiplied by the number of months on the line or segment.
  • Per X Months: If the Detail Period Type is Month(s) and the Detail No. of Periods is greater than 1, this option will appear.  This works similar to the Per Month option except that this tells the system that the Unit Price should be multiplied by a set of months in the rental.  If the number of months on a line is 12 and the Unit Price is 10 and the Detail No. of Periods is 4, the system knows the line amount should be 30 (number of months 12 divided by Detail No. of Periods 4 and then multiplied by the Unit Price 10).

Default Duration: This field is only available if the Billing Type is set to Rental.  This field allows you to specify a default duration that will be entered on an RPM document line when this billing code is entered on the line.

Default Cycle Initial Term: This field is only available if the Billing Type is set to Rental.  This field is used when you want to cycle the first segment of a line to a specific day.  This field works best with a monthly billing code.  There are three options:

  • Beginning of Month: This option will change the first segment so the Stop Date will be set to the end of the current month and the next segment will start on the first of the next month.
  • End of Month: This option will change the first segment so the Stop Date will be set to the day before the end of the current month and the next segment will start on the end of the current month.
  • Specific Day: This option will change the first segment so the Stop Date will be set to the day before the Default Cycle Initial Term Day so the next segment will start on the day specified in the Default Cycle Initial Term Day.

Default Cycle Initial Term Day: This field is only available if the Default Cycle Initial Term is set to Specific Day.  This field specifies the day that you want the first segment to cycle to.