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  2. Equipment Dealer Management Solution

How to set up related charges?

Related Charges

Related Charges allow you to add additional sales or rentals automatically when a Unit is being rented on a rental contract. This will give you the option to add items you should recommend normally without having to enter each line by line. Examples are hard hats, insurance, gloves, delivery fee, different size forks for a forklift or an additional bucket type for an excavator.  

  1. Search for RPM Subcategory, click on RPM Subcategory List.
  2. Select a subcategory to add related charges.
  3. Once you are on the subcategory card, find the Auto Suggest Charges option on the General tab, and turn it on.
  4. Further down the page you will see Related Charges. Here you will have the option to fill in the line with the proper data for the related charge. Fill in TypeNo.DescriptionQuantityBilling Code.
  5. Now when adding a subcategory with related charges to a contract line, a prompt will open to select or deselect any related charges that should be added to the contract.